- Previous: GET /v1/autocomplete/location
- Up: Central Index API
- Next: GET /v1/entity/advertisers
GET /v1/entity
HTTP Method: GET
Path: /v1/entity
Authentication: API Key required
Description: Fetch an single entity (business) by supplying its unique identifier.
parameter | type | description | required |
entity_id | string | The unqiue identifier of the entity to fetch e.g. 379236608286720 | yes |
Sample Response:
When retrieving and entity (a business), then the "data" would contain everything that is known about a business:
{ "success": true, "msg": "ok", "data": { "_id": "379236608286720", "_rev": "9-0d00bb35d6ae504d7478c547635abc75", "type": "business", "when": "2012-12-07 14:37:42 +00:00", "our_data": false, "country": "ie", "scope": "public", "trust": 1, "seed": { "masheryid": "yourlocalie", "when": "2012-12-07 14:37:42 +00:00" }, "status": { "status": "active", "meta": { "source": [], "confidence": 100 } }, "tags": [{ "tag": "fireplace construction", "language": "English", "meta": { "source": [], "confidence": 100 }, "stopwords": "fireplace construction", "stemmed": "fireplac construct", "phonetic": "FRPLK KNSTRKT", "gen_id": 392603277185024 }, { "tag": "fireplace installation", "language": "English", "meta": { "source": [], "confidence": 100 }, "stopwords": "fireplace installation", "stemmed": "fireplac instal", "phonetic": "FRPLK NSTL", "gen_id": 392603277185025 }], "name": { "name": "The Gas Man", "formal_name": "The Gas Man", "meta": { "source": [], "confidence": 100 }, "stopwords": "the gas man", "stemmed": "gas man", "phonetic": "KS MN" }, "postal_address": { "address1": "28 Fassaugh Avenue", "address2": "", "address3": "", "district": "Cabra", "town": "Dublin", "county": "County Dublin", "postcode": "Dublin 7", "address_type": "", "meta": { "source": [], "confidence": 100 } }, "geopoint": { "longitude": -6.293201, "latitude": 53.367048, "wgs84": [53.367048, - 6.293201], "meta": { "source": [], "confidence": 100 }, "geohash": "gc7x8g1mt" }, "phones": [{ "meta": {} }], "faxes": [{ "number": "01 8684033", "description": "", "premium_rate": false, "meta": { "source": [], "confidence": 100 }, "gen_id": 379236608299009, "processed": "018684033" }], "categories": [{ "category_id": "1693", "category_name": "Gas Installers", "meta": { "source": [], "confidence": 100 }, "gen_id": 379236638519296, "stopwords": "gas installers", "stemmed": "gas instal", "phonetic": "KS NSTL" }, { "category_id": "734", "category_name": "Boilers Servicing and Repairs", "meta": { "source": [], "confidence": 100 }, "gen_id": 380353440014336, "stopwords": "boilers servicing and repairs", "stemmed": "boil serv repair", "phonetic": "BL SRF RPR" }], "lastEditDate": "2012-12-15 08:57:17 +00:00", "employees": [{ "title": "Mrs", "forename": "Bernie", "surname": "Black", "job_title": "", "description": "", "email": "", "phone_number": "", "meta": { "source": [], "confidence": 100 }, "gen_id": 380353440018433 }], "emails": [{ "email_address": "gasman1@indigo.ie", "email_description": "", "meta": { "source": [], "confidence": 100 }, "gen_id": 381805038006273 }] } }
If the API had been asked to fetch a non-existent entity, then you will see this response:
{ "success": false, "msg": "There was an error", "data": { "missing": true } }
Three things have happened here:
- the API returns with HTTP 404 (instead of HTTP 200)
- the returned json has a success of 'false'
- the return json's data element has 'missing' set to true, meaning that this entity does not exist
A third sceanrio is possible:
{ "success": true, "msg": "ok", "data": { "_id": "380354326396928", "_rev": "1-57d724782ea388f81d5cc1eb24aac19f", "type": "deprecated", "when": "2013-01-15 14:22:18 +00:00", "merged_into": "380354332282880" } }
In this case, entity_id 380354326396928 has been found to be a duplicate of entity_id 380354332282880 and has been deprecated. This occurs from time to time as our internal systems continuously improve our data set.
- Previous: GET /v1/autocomplete/location
- Up: Central Index API
- Next: GET /v1/entity/advertisers
Docs Navigation
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- Using IODocs
- Responses
- Creating a sample request
- Sample Libraries
- Central Index API
- What data do we store in an entity?
- GET /v1/advertiser/updated
- GET /v1/autocomplete/category
- GET /v1/autocomplete/keyword
- GET /v1/autocomplete/location
- GET /v1/entity
- GET /v1/entity/advertisers
- GET /v1/entity/advertisers/inventorycheck
- GET /v1/entity/by_supplier_id
- GET /v1/entity/search/keyword/bynearest
- GET /v1/entity/search/what
- GET /v1/entity/search/what/bylocation
- GET /v1/entity/search/what/byboundingbox
- GET /v1/entity/search/what/bynearest
- GET /v1/entity/search/who
- GET /v1/entity/search/who/bylocation
- GET /v1/entity/search/who/byboundingbox
- GET /v1/entity/search/who/bynearest
- GET /v1/location
- GET /v1/location/context
- GET /v1/lookup/category
- GET /v1/match/byphone
- GET /v1/stats/entity/by_date
- GET /v1/syndication_log/by_entity_id
- GET /v1/token/add
- GET /v1/token/report
- GET /v1/token/claim
- GET /v1/token/message
- GET /v1/tools/docs
- GET /v1/user/by_email
- PUT /v1/business
- PUT /v1/business/json
- PUT /v1/entityserve
- POST /v1/entity/advertiser/cancel
- POST /v1/entity/advertiser/create
- POST /v1/entity/advertiser/renew
- POST /v1/entity/advertiser/upsell
- POST /v1/entity/category
- POST /v1/entity/claim
- POST /entity/claim/cancel
- POST /v1/entity/claim/reseller
- POST /v1/entity/description
- POST /v1/entity/document
- POST /v1/entity/email
- POST /v1/entity/fax
- POST /v1/entity/featured_message
- POST /v1/entity/geopoint
- POST /v1/entity/image
- POST /v1/entity/image/by_url
- POST /v1/entity/list
- POST /v1/entity/logo
- POST /v1/entity/logo/by_url
- POST /v1/entity/name
- POST /v1/entity/opening_times
- POST /v1/entity/payment_type
- POST /v1/entity/phone
- POST /v1/entity/postal_address
- POST /v1/entity/socialmedia
- POST /v1/entity/special_offer
- POST /v1/entity/tag
- POST /v1/entity/testimonial
- POST /v1/entity/video/youtube
- POST /v1/entity/website
- POST /v1/syndication/cancel
- POST /v1/syndication/create
- POST /v1/signal
- POST /v1/user
- DELETE /v1/entity/category
- DELETE /v1/entity/description
- DELETE /v1/entity/image
- DELETE /v1/entity/phone
- DELETE /v1/entity/logo
- DELETE /v1/entity/website
- syndication api